When you think about a freeway, you think of a wide expanse of pavement, imposing retaining walls, limited landscaping, and a myriad of steel and concrete crossings. Driving on an interstate freeway is not a particularly pleasant experience.
I guess that is why motorists drive as fast as they can with their windows up. Can this experience be transformed into a more positive, memorable experience for the driver as well as the community that the freeway surrounds?
Atlanta leaders think so. They have created the Connector Transformation Project to explore ways to transform a five-mile stretch of Interstate 75/85 that bisects Midtown and downtown Atlanta. This effort will look at bringing art, vegetation, lighting and sustainability to what some consider a very unforgiving place.
Video about the project
Article about the Project
Project Facebook Page
Below are examples of other communities around the globe who have made an effort to beautify their freeways.
Houston, TX
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA.